Park attractions
Biological Resources: About 117 species of trees and shrubs have been identified. 139 different species of birds, of which 55 are latitudinal migrants and 8 migrate or move within the country, 34% of these species require mangrove forests, 52% of these birds need forest areas.
The Las Baulas National Marine Park is visited by three species of turtles: leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), black turtle (Chelonia agassizii).
Florist's Associations: At Las Baulas National Marine Park there are among others:
Dry deciduous forest (species of trees that bore foliage in the dry season): in which, it is common to find species such as; pore pore, laurel, naked Indian, pochote, madroño, among others.
Dry semi deciduous forest: in this sector the vegetation is more diverse, since it presents evergreen species (species that maintain the foliage all year), the most representative species are: guapinol, guanacaste, black olive, ron-ron, tempisque, Laurel, Carao and others.
Vegetation of cliffs: mainly around the hill Morro, the vegetation is bent upwards by the action of the winds. The arboreal species found in this sector are: naked Indian, yayo, nance, white flower, cactus, cabuyas.
Gallery forest: these forests are formed by the combination of deciduous and evergreen species.
Mangrove forests: these are located in estuaries, within the protected area are around 5 types of mangrove: mangrove, mangle piñuela, red mangrove, white or ladybird, mangrove rod.
Tortuga Baula (Dermochelys coriacea): It is par excellence the main attraction of this protected area, this being the main reason for the creation of this National Park. The leatherback turtle is a critically endangered species worldwide, in the National Park this species has as nesting sites the Langosta, Grande and Ventanas beaches.
Wetlands: Among the wetlands is the Tamarindo Estuary of worldwide importance, San Francisco and Ventanas.
Surf, Sun and Sea: Within the National Park there are beaches for the enjoyment and practice of water sports such as surfing in Playa Grande and Playa Langosta, shallow diving in Playa Carbón.
Services and facilities
Basic Services: Information Center, in the park ranger office (basic services are available). Checkpoint on the beach. Control post in the mangrove. Tour around the mangrove. Local guides.
Information in the booth. Presentation about natural history, given to the people who come to the turtle tour.