Corcovado National Park - PNC is located in the Province of Puntarenas (Golfito and Osa Cantons), located on the Osa Peninsula, in the southwestern tip of Costa Rica. Its geographical coordinates are 8 ° 25'55 "to 8 ° 44'00" North and 83 ° 24'50 "to 83 ° 45'00" West. The topographic maps published by the National Geographical Institute (based on Lambert coordinates, available in scales 1: 50,000 and 1: 200,000) contain the PNC in the Llorona, Sierpe, Madrigal and Golfo Dulce sectors (Government of Costa Rica, 2003).
It was created by Executive Decree No. 5357-A, published in La Gaceta No. 207 on October 31, 1975. Subsequently, it was expanded by Executive Decree No.11148-A, published in La Gaceta No. 33 on February 15, 1980. Its creation was raised to the rank of Law by No. 6,794, which ratifies the previous Executive Decree as the laws of the Republic.
The Park has 42,570 terrestrial hectares (Cotobira, 2005) and 5,375 marine hectares (the latter includes the marine 500 meters from the coastline). It contains a variety of ecosystems that include forest, beaches, coral reefs, mangroves and freshwater marshes. The PNC includes the basins that drain in the Corcovado plain, between Punta Llorona and Punta Salsipuedes (MINAE and SINAC, 1999).
Maximum Altitude:
782 meters above sea level Climate: Hot, rainy and very humid. The rainy season goes from May to November, with maximum rainfall in the months of September and October.
Dry season:
December to April, with sporadic rains.
Rainy season:
May to November Annual rainfall: an average of 5.500 millimeters, in the mountainous area. In the coastal area 3.500 millimeters.