- Secure parking
- Sanitation services
- Non-potable water
- First aid services
Main crater: It is circular shape and measures about 4330 feet (1320 m), 1049 feet (320 m) deep. Its edge is composed of pyroclastic materials such as blocks, bombs, ashes and 7540 years old lavas. It boasts a hot and acidic water lagoon with temperatures between 68 Fahrenheit (20° C) and 122 Fahrenheit (50 ° C).
Von Frantzius Cone: It is located about 2952 feet (900 meters) Northside of the active crater and is partially destroyed on its southern flank. It has an irregular horseshoe shape open to the south, with small escarpments covered with vegetation.
Laguna Botos: Old crater occupied by a cold lake of 1312 feet (400 m) in diameter and 46 feet (4 deep). Its bottom is half-plane and sedimented by materials of the interior walls with the contribution of organic material.
(Currently closed)
Birds: Typical species in the area include: tangara de monte (Cholorospingus pileatus), saltón patagrande (Pezopetes Capitalis), jungle soterrerey (Henicorhina lecophrys), zorzal piquinegro (Catharus gracilirostris) fire throated hummingbird (fiery-throated hummingbird), tan hermit hummingbird (Glaucis aenea), quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno).
Mammals: Mammals are not abundant, although coyotes (Canis latrans), weasels (Mustela frenata), rabbits (Silvilagus dicei), smelly skunks (Conepatus semistriatus) and among the most common are the Poas Squirrel (Sciurus deppei) and the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcitus).
Flora: In the area of public use they can be observed plant associations related to the cloud forest, which highlight species like the poor umbrella (Sombrilla de pobre, Gunnera insignis) and encinos oak (Quercus sp.).